Badimalika Temple situated in Bajura region of Seti Zone, is one of the significant sanctuaries in Nepal. It is a sanctuary committed to Bhagwati. Malika Chaturdashi is the real yearly celebration that is held in this sanctuary. The sanctuary is served by two ministers, one of them speaking to Kalikot region while the other cleric from Bajura locale.

As per Hindu myths, when Sati Devi's dad Daksha Prajapati was playing out a yagya, he welcomed every one of the divine beings with the exception of Mahadevto the function. So Sati went to his dad's yagya service and asked him for what valid reason he had not welcomed her significant other. Daksha Prajapati addressed that Mahadev drank liquor, smoked ganja, dozed in graveyards, wore a serpent around his neck, had dreadlocks, secured his body with fiery remains, wore tiger stow away, henceforth he was not a reasonable individual to welcome for such a vital yagya. Not able to withstand such an affront to her better half, Sati bounced into the yagya fire and surrendered her life. Mahadev was so irritated by the news of her demise that he sent Birbhadra and Bhoot gana to execute Daksha Prajapati and wreck the yagya. In the wake of extricating his retribution, Mahadev began to grieve the passing of his significant other. Mahadev voyaged everywhere throughout the world conveying Sati's dead body. Amid this time, Vishnu discharged his Sudarshan chakra and injured Sati's body with the goal that it could be plagued by creepy crawlies and decay. As Sati's body decayed and its parts tumble off, the ground where her body parts fell got to be shakti peethas and spots of love. In this procedure, her left shoulder fell in Mallagiri mountain. This Mallagiri was then alluded to as Malika.

Concurring another myth, after Bagwati had murdered a daitya named Mahisasur, she had rested a place called "Dwaredhunge" of Kalikot. Later when one low position individual had gone to that spot to gather kindling, he felt so ravenous that he approached the goddess for some meat and bread. The goddess gave him what he requested. Nonetheless, there was so much sustenance that he couldn't complete the process of everything without anyone else. So he chose to call every one of the general population at home for the feast by shouting the message. Since his home happened to be far from the recognize, the general population at his home couldn't hear his shouting and no one went along with him. This irritated the individual and along these lines he shouted a demand to the goddess to slaughter everybody in his home. The goddess conceded this savage wish as well. When he arrived home conveying all the nourishment with him, he discovered every one of his relatives dead. He got furious and retreated to Dwaredhunge. The goddess shut the entryways of the sanctuary and got away. It is said that the engraving of the blow that the irate individual had given to the entryway of the sanctuary can even now be seen. In light of this occasion, the goddess everlastingly left the place, going through Triveni, Panchpur Patan, Mallapuri Patan, lastly settling in Badimalika. The travelers too take this course while going to visit the sanctuary.

Real Festivals 
Consistently there is a reasonable at this sanctuary amid the month of Bhadra. Explorers originate from all over Nepal and India imagining that their desires will be satisfied on the off chance that they implore at the sanctuary. There are two authority fairs amid Ganga Dashara and Janai Purnima.

To achieve Badimalika sanctuary, one needs to make a troublesome trek enduring 2-3 days from Martadi, the base camp of Bajura area. The sanctuary is at a remote area and since the course to the sanctuary is not very much created, there is an absence of cabins and eateries for the explorers to rest and eat. In this manner all the vital enhancements should be conveyed by the explorers themselves. Amid the trek, one can witness different types of wild blooms, and different residential creatures like sheep, goats,horses and bison, touching on the slopes.

By Road 
To achieve Martadi by street, one needs to first go to Dhangadhi or Nepalganj or Tikapur and from that point achieve Saafebagar of Achham. From Saafebagar, there is an engine capable street that paves the way to Budhiganga..tipada..

Via Air 
A local flight from Nepalganj to Bajura airplane terminal is additionally accessible. From Kolti, a day's trek will prompt to Martadi, the central station of Bajura locale.

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