Mahakali River streams between the nations of India and Nepal. Mahakali River is likewise celebrated by the name of Kalinga stream. The name Kalinga stream however is more being used in India than in Nepal. The Mahakali River goes about as a limit between these two neighboring nations. The area of Mahakali River in India is mainstream by the name of Sharda and a similar district in Nepal is called Kali. The stream of Mahakali got its name from the Hindu goddess Mahakali who is accepted to be the goddess of anger and strength.
There are two important tributaries of the Mahakali River in Nepal. These two streams are the Chamelia waterway and the Limpiyadhura waterway. The snow topped mountain pinnacles are the significant birthplaces of the Mahakali River in Nepal.

The Mahakali River of Nepal was some time ago an important Nepalese army installation. However after the Anglo-Nepal war, the army installation got moved from the Mahakali River district. There are eleven acclaimed towns encompassing the areas of the Mahakali River at Nepal. These towns incorporate the Chandani, Kalika, Dodhara, Triti, Dharchula, Handeshar, Balwakote, Pancheshwar, Jaulijibi, Jhulaghat and the Tanakpur. Every one of these towns lie on the western shore of the Mahakali River.


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