Nepal Travel Tips

  • Beware of touts and scams, they can be quite subtle about it. It’s a fine balance between being paranoid about it or being taken for a fool.
  • Acclimatize! Nepal is all about trekking – high altitude trekking — for the most part. Mountain sickness is a real danger, so take it easy on the first few days!
  • Waste is becoming a serious problem on many of the more popular trails. Clean up your rubbish. Whatever you bring along for the trek, take it back and don’t toss it down a slope or in some bush along the way.
  • Respect the culture, don’t walk into a temple in inappropriate attire like a tank-top, shorts, etc.
  • For the best experience, don’t limit yourself to the backpacker trail and try to venture off it at least once.
  • Nepal is easy enough to get around, it has a mature tourist industry which can arrange everything for you, if you so wish. With the amount of tourists around, most people will speak and understand some English.
  • On the whole, the Nepalese are a friendly bunch with a smile ready for every occasion, so go out and enjoy!

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