The Panch Pokhari (Five Ponds) Path is another trekking territory in Nepal. Panch Pokhari (4,100 m) is found upper east of Kathmandu at the base of the Jugal Himal. The period from March to May is the best time for trek to Panch Pokhari. This place has social, religious, and natural significance. A critical celebration, the Janai Purnima celebration, is held here consistently in August, when Brahmin standings come here for the custom changing of the hallowed string (janai) they wear around their bodies. In this manner, the five lakes (Panch Pokhari) are viewed as consecrated lakes. Arranged as they are at the base of the Jugal Himal, the nature is quite various and of significant intrigue. The trek takes you through Sherpa and Tamang towns, so it's something of a Nepal social trek, too. 
PanchPokhariGenerally, it's a 10-day trek, the beginning stage being Chautara (1,200 m) toward the upper east of, and around a five-hour drive by transport from, Kathmandu. To make it clearer, you'll be going towards the Tibetan outskirt. The district you'll be trekking through is rich in view, second to none other trekking courses of Nepal. You'll begin encountering an alternate sort of way of life quickly, that of the Sherpas and Tamangs, in this manner the Panch Pokhari trek is frequently said to be a Nepal social trek. Following a night end at Chautara, the following morning, you trek to Phusre (2,045 m), where you spend one more night, and guzzle a greater amount of the neighborhood culture. 
The following morning, you're definitely raring to begin strolling subsequent to having had a decent night's rest. The climb goes relentlessly tough to Kami Kharka (2,845 m). The scene is, beautiful, and the air, exhilaratingly cool. Camp for the night here, and come day break, you're again off; this time, Pauwa Bas (3,000 m) being your goal for the day. All that climbing tough for the last couple of days ought to have unquestionably st rengthened your muscles at this point, and you merit a night to rest and restore. The fifth day of your trek, you'll be climbing to a place called Hile Bhanjyang which is at 3,400 meters above ocean level. It's as of now a significant accomplishment, would it say it isn't, to have climbed more than 2000 meters? The next day, passing Tangu, you'll reach Nasim Pati (3,700 m), the last end before achieving your definitive goal, that is, Panch Pokhari. The view from Nasim Pati is awesome, with astounding vistas of moving slopes and high mountains all around. There's a rest house here, where you dig in for the night, and maybe thank your stars on picking this new trekking range in Nepal for a novel affair. 
The following morning, you'll be climbing along some troublesome mountain edges. After around two hours, you'll go over a board inviting you to Panch Pokhari. In a matter of seconds, the five consecrated lakes come into view, and it's a sight that you'll not overlook effectively. "Quiet" is the principal word that will ring a bell at seeing the unmistakable blue lakes encompassed by verdant slopes. Being a famous goal for guests, both local and global, you'll discover some rest houses around the site, also a sanctuary. A dunk in one of the lakes is normally called for; it won't just revive your drained body, yet it might well purify your spirit. From the highest point of the slope, you'll be dealt with to an awe inspiring perspective of the Jugal Himal, Rolwaling, Kanchenjunga and Makalu ranges. Jugal Himal, exceptionally, will give off an impression of being close in fact. You'll normally be spending the night here, and the otherworldly environment will give you an extremely tranquil night of serene rest. 
Be that as it may, as it's been said, every single good thing must reach an end ; along these lines, the following morning you'll be trekking back, though reluctantly. It's all declining now as is quite nice. The main day takes you back to Nasim Pati (night end), and after that the next day to Dukang (2,100 m, night stop once more). Day nine discovers you while in transit to Dhap (1,200 m), and after that before the end of day ten, you will reach Melamchi Pul (800 m), and after that Melamchi bazaar, from where you drive back to Kathmandu. That finishes the great Panch Pokhari Path trek. 

There's another approach to reach Panch Pokhari that a few globe-trotters in a rush may wish to take. It will take around four-five days just, yet then, one must remember that the more drawn out trek permits you to experience a lot more of both the social and environmental viewpoints, supporting this trek as a Nepal social trek. Anyway, if time is short, you can take a transport up to Melamchi experiencing Sankhu. Be admonished that the street is entirely harsh and you'll be in for a serious uneven ride! You'll be landing at Melamchi in around three hours, having survived the trial of one hell of a harsh voyage. Once in a while, particularly amid celebration season, the transport may take you to Mane Kharka, and even to Bhotang, halting for lunch at Tipni, around one-and-a-half-hour from Melamchi. Seeing yellow mustard handle all around will surely be an enchanting sight, as will the mountains encompassing them. At Bhotang, around one hour from Mane Kharka, you get the opportunity to spend the night at a visitor house where you can anticipate nutritious nearby admission. 
The following day, you begin strolling to Tangu. In transit, you'll go over an excellent stream and in addition a foaming waterfall, as you begin climbing a long and soak column of stairs. After that, the trail keeps going relentlessly tough through thick vegetation. It's a significant depleting climb, what with the stairs and all, and you'll be happy to make camp for the night on achieving Tangu. Trust you had a pleasant rest, and a lot of rest, in light of the fact that the following day's climb is trying, without a doubt. Up, up, and up. Notwithstanding, the landscape is sublime and that ought to give some alleviation. Five hours of consistent strolling will bring you to Nasim Pati. It will bode well to camp here, in light of the fact that it's no fun strolling oblivious on mountain edges, which you'll be doing to reach Panch Pokhari. Along these lines, the following day, revived, you bear on to your goal, the five consecrated lakes. On your way back, subsequent to having your fill of the excellent sight, you come back to Nasim Pati. The following day, you climb to Bhotang, an entire day's walk, and spend the night there. The following morning you bear on strolling to Melmchi nearly four hours away, from where you get a transport back to Kathmandu. Along these lines closes your experience of another trekking zone in Nepal, the Panchj Pokhari Path.

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